Expedited Love

"Expedited Love" is a charming and comedic short film that follows the misadventures of a woman navigating the treacherous world of modern dating. With a unique twist, her friend magically appears on her dates, only visible to her, creating hilarious and awkward situations. As the story unfolds, it is revealed that she was narrating her experiences to her friend, reliving the highs and lows of three disastrous dates in a single day. Through witty dialogue and relatable scenarios, "Expedited Love" explores the complexities of modern romance, highlighting the importance of friendship and the shared experiences that make love and dating a rollercoaster ride.

Director/Editor: Maha Farhoud & Sam Astir

DOP: Ronan McGovern

AC: Oscar Fouda

Gaffer 1: Vittorio Mello

Gaffer 2: Callum Chung

Sound/Boom: Patrick Kachingwe


Lila played by: Serena Birch - playing Lila

Amber played by: Rebecca Gilliland

Sam played by: Rob Firth

Ben played by: Nikolas Savvides

Max played by: Jack Newton